
Weight Loss Secrets You Already Know Long Hill, Madison, And Mendham Borough Offers

Weight Loss Secrets You Already Know ~Article Weight Loss dreams in the spring are as predictable as April showers. Those who have put on a few extra holiday and winter pounds realize the annual bikini season is almost upon us and ...and have a fear of having to bear it all at the beach. Without the ability of having to drown their sorrows in food (which pretty much put them in this banana boat anyway) weight loss hopefuls look for ways to make the weight magically disappear. Weight loss season is the start of a whole new holiday season for retailers. Books about the newest weight loss fads fly off the shelves. Diet pills and diet pill supplements sell out at the pharmacy. Health and fitness magazines like Shape and Prevention start to outsell the ever popular celebrity weeklies. The most astonishing part of this whole phenomenon is that weight loss hopefuls seek answers to a question that they already know the answer to. Like the exasperated parent, who must repeat things just one mor